
This may be the hardest page on this website for me to write. I’m not inclined to talk a lot about myself. In fact, I think people who know me would say that I don’t talk a lot at all.
I am quiet. I like to listen. I am curious. The truth is, I would rather ask you, “Why are you here?”, “How did you get here?”, “Tell me about yourself.” “What’s important to you?”, than I would talk a lot about me.
I believe everyone’s life needs more than a soundbite description to do it justice. Everyone’s life is a story waiting to be told and one that is worthy of hearing. And I do mean everyone when I say everyone. Even mine.
With that said, and because I believe curiosity serves us all well, here’s my attempt to tell you a bit about the person I have been and the one I am still becoming. Because we are works in progress.
I am married to Mike for thirty two years now, the proud mother of three young adult children, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend.
I have been a registered nurse, a PTA mom and a children’s minister.
I am currently the chief operating officer of a not-for-profit organization and a deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
I am a writer.
I have been, am and always will be a beloved child of God.
It is these last two hats I wear that have shaped the me I am as I write this and the me that I am still becoming.
I’ve enjoyed writing for as long as I can remember. I’ve been told over the years that it is a gift. But only recently have I been comfortable claiming the title of “writer” for myself. This website and blog are me, at long last, trying it on for size.
For the last few years my writing has focused on children’s books. My first one is being published as we speak and is due out soon. I am over-the-moon excited about it! Check back often for updates and a sneak peak!
But in 2020, as a way to cope with the chaos of the year marked both by COVID-19 and some personal and family health challenges, my writing began gravitating toward grown-up audiences, and my faith filter sharpened my proverbial pen, even as I resisted it.
With this site, I am leaning into that.
“That” is a larger, more expansive faith lens through which I see the world. I find hope and joy and solace and meaning on this new path that is part of my life’s journey.
I hope my offering provides even a glimpse of hope, joy, solace and meaning for you.