A Dose of Humility

When to speak?
When to listen?
How to tell the difference
when it’s not readily obvious?
When will more words simply take away
rather than add value, clarity, connection?
How to hold the tension
between practicing showing up and being heard
and knowing when speaking up
speaking out
is only for ourselves and not generative for others?
How to silence the false self
and let the true self speak
even if it’s not to say anything
other than showing up
and being heard through your presence?
How to add a dose of humility
into all of our encounters
and be alright
with letting the last word not be ours,
but also knowing when it has to be ours,
it demands to be ours
so that a new way of considering
might emerge and be seen?
What words, or lack thereof,
are allowed to enter into this
blank space
so that the space is not dark and unseen,
full of mines and bottomless holes that
swallow us, one another,
but instead full of light and hope and promise,
pregnant with possibility?